Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Love is such a strange word.
            So many people use this word without knowing what it truly means. You can love someone as a friend or family. You could be in love with someone. Who really knows in high school?
            High school is when you figure everything out. You don't realize you're gay when you're three years old. You don't fall in love at the age of seven. You don't even understand the topic. So, why does everyone say that they're in love?
            People want to be in love. They're in love with the idea of being in love. The funny thing is that they don't even know it! People in high school -- girls especially -- want to be in love so badly. They'll convince themselves that they are really in love with their boyfriend or crush.
            If you tell yourself enough times that you love someone, you will develop feelings for that person. The girl makes excuses for that person. Before you know it, you can't even recognize the girl. She's changed so much by being with her boyfriend or crush. They're so different from who she used to be.
            It's not even funny anymore. So many people are going out all around us, and it's not right. They shouldn't be together. Yes, the girl is a slut. That's not a reason to go out with her. You need someone who will be there for you, not someone who only wants you for your body. Guys don't seem to understand that concept.
            Why is it so hard to understand?
            All of us single people understand it. We see you couples walking by, but you don't even look happy together. Why do you stay together? Sure, we're single and want to be in love. Some of us will turn into those girls that are in love with the idea of love. Don't blame us, though. Boys are the ones that convince us it's a good idea. They convince us to love them. It's not fair.
            Personally, I won't be one of those girls. I don't think it's right. Yes, I do want a boyfriend in high school. I don't want to be alone, but if I don't get one, I'm not going to die like some people. You don't need to be 'in love' to be happy in high school. Odds are, you won't end up with your high school sweetheart in ten years. You'll both move on. It's normal. Why stress over this now?

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